Mt Veeder AVA - Hess Collection Winery

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the Hess Collection may be one of the most important features of the Mount Veeder AVA. It’s not a huge museum/winery, but it’s special. It’s elegant too, displaying a gorgeous glass elevator to move you from floor to floor. It’s fun. It’s a refreshing timeout from tasting wines and learning about grapes. Hess also has a wonderful tasting room showcasing the magnificent and unique grapes of Mt. Veeder. 

What was it about this particular collection of seemingly random modern art at The Hess Collection Winery & Gallery that had me so mesmerized? 

Donald Hess started collecting art in 1966 and he doesn’t choose his art based on what is trending or its monetary value. Instead, he gets to know each artist on a personal level and attempts to truly understand what drives that artist. And he then goes on to follow them faithfully for years, even decades. Many of his showcased artists were unknown when he met them, and later became quite respected in their disciplines. Donald Hess never buys a piece impulsively- quite the opposite in fact. He sits with his thoughts for weeks, and will only purchase the piece if he simply cannot get it out of his mind.

I believe that’s what makes this collection so unique and riveting, even to those who don’t necessarily consider themselves passionate about art. You can really sense the passion not just of the artist, but of the collector. You can feel the care that went into the selection and placement of each piece. And You feel compelled to try and understand it; “Why did THIS one appeal to him so much…and to me?” – Lea Gourley